Blackberry email activation

Verify that you received an activation email that has the QR Code. You must have a managed Apple. Your device must not be a supervised device. If your device is supervised, it is noted in the Settings app near your Apple. Open the activation email that contains the QR Code. Open the Camera app on your device and scan the QR code in the activation email.

When you are prompted, tap the notification to open the URL in Safari. When you are prompted to download the UEM. After the download is complete, tap Close. Go to Settings. Tap UEM profile. On the User Enrollment screen, tap Enroll my iPhone. For assistance, contact your administrator. Please check your username and password and try again Profile failed to install.

Error Server is not available Unable to contact server, please check connectivity or server address iOS or macOS device activations fail with an invalid APNs certificate Users are not receiving the activation email User details screen is showing more Windows devices activated with UEM than expected.

Set an activation password and send an activation email message. You can set an activation password and send a user an activation email with the information required to activate one or more devices. The email is sent from the email address that you configured in the SMTP server settings. Create an activation email template. Search for a user account. In the search results, click the name of the user account. In the Activation details pane, click Set activation password. In the Activation option.

If you want the user to activate their device with the activation profile that is currently assigned to them, select Default device activation.


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