A game of thrones board game second edition rules

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Martin, A Game of Thrones is an epic board game in which it will take more than military might to win. Through strategic planning, masterful diplomacy, and clever card play, spread your influence over Westeros!

This makes the game easier - and therefore less frustrating - to play, it being far less likely that tokens and units will be overlooked, while the strategic situation is easier to take in. The following changes have been made: - Board image integrated into table. Psiko 23 Jan, pm. Sheikh 28 Apr, am. Hi, I really like your version of GoT. But there is an issue with the background. I think that the URL is no longer active. Could you upload it again and give us the new URL, please? Madcat 20 Dec, pm.

So Far the best GOT out there! If the 2 expansions where aviable this will be the Gold right here! Phoenix 3 Aug, pm. Rayston 28 Jun, am. When bidding on each Influence track, players first hide all their available power tokens behind their player screens. Then each player secretly places any number of his available power tokens into his hand, hiding them in a closed fist. Once all players have made their selections, everyone simultaneously reveals their bid by opening their hands.

The player with the highest bid places one of his Influence tokens on the "1" position of the track being bid upon. The player with the second highest bid places one of his Influence token on the "2" position of the same track, the third highest player on the "3" position, etc.

The outcome of all ties in bidding is decided by the player holding the Iron Throne token. This player places the Influence tokens of tied players on the highest i.

All power tokens bid by players, regardless of outcome, are discarded to the Power Pool. After all Influence tokens have been placed on the track undergoing bidding, the player occupying the track's "1" position is awarded its Dominance token Iron Throne, Valyrian Steel Blade, or Messenger Raven token , then players proceed to bid on the next Influence track.

After bidding for the King's Court track is completed and the Messenger Raven awarded, the Clash of Kings Westeros card has been resolved and the game continues. All remaining Power tokens are returned to the front of each players' screen. The effects of each Influence track and its respective Dominance token are described below. The order of Influence tokens on the Iron Throne Influence track determines the turn order.

When resolving anything in turn order, always start with the player whose token is in the "1" position on the track, followed by the player whose token is in the "2" position, etc. The player whose token is in position "1" of the Iron Throne Influence track holds the Iron Throne token. The player holding the The Iron Throne Token decides the outcome of all ties that occur in the game, with the exception of ties in combat which are resolved by a player's position on the Fiefdoms track and ties in determining the winner of the game.

Note: The Iron Throne token does not change hands until bidding for the Iron Throne track has been resolved and all Influence tokens have been placed on that track.

Thus, the player controlling the Iron Throne token still breaks ties when bidding on the Iron Throne track, even though he may lose the Iron Throne token after the bidding is over.

The player with a higher position i. The player whose token is in position "1" of the Fiefdoms Influence track holds the Valyrian Steel Blade token. Remember, all ties outside of combat and determining the winner of the game are decided by the holder of the Iron Throne token, including ties in bidding for the Fiefdoms track. Whenever a player uses the Valyrian Steel Blade, he flips the token over to its faded side, indicating it has been used this game round.

At the end of every Action Phase and thus the end of that round , the holder of the Valyrian Steel Blade flips the token back to its fully colored side, indicating it is available to be used again in the next game round. The higher a House's position i. The player whose token is in position "1" of the King's Court Influence track holds the Messenger Raven token. The number of special orders provided by the King's Court track is indicated by the number of stars printed by each position on the track some lower positions award no special orders.

In three and four player games, the King's Court overlay token is placed over the King's Court track to alter the number of special orders awarded by each position. The player holding the Messenger Raven token may perform one of the following actions at the end of every Assign Orders step of the Planning phase:. Replace an Order Token: The holder may swap one of his Order tokens on the game board for one of his unused Order tokens.

Look in the Wildling Deck: The holder looks at the top card of the Wildling deck. After looking, he may choose to return the card to the top of the Wildling deck, or place the card at the bottom of the Wildling deck. He may share the information found on the card with other players or even lie , but may not show the card.

Whenever a player uses the Messenger Raven, he flips the Messenger Raven token over to its faded side, indicating it has been used. At the end of every Action Phase, the holder of the Messenger Raven flips the token back to its fully colored side, indicating it is available to be used again during the next game round.

During this step, each player must place exactly one Order token facedown i. All players place their orders simultaneously. An area cannot be assigned more than one Order token. The Order tokens depicted above are regular Order tokens. Each player also has five Special Order tokens - stronger variants of each order type, marked by a star.

Special orders are described here. A player may use any of his 10 regular Order tokens during the Planning Phase, but may only use a number of Special Order tokens equal to the number of stars printed next to his position on the King's Court Influence track. After all players have completed placing their orders, proceed to the "Reveal Orders" step.

Be sure that every area containing at least one unit has been assigned an Order token before proceeding. If not, then one or more players have not placed all required Order tokens. In very rare circumstances, a player will have fewer eligible Order tokens than he needs i. In this case, all players must take the Assign Orders step in turn order rather than simultaneously.

The first player places all of his orders facedown as normal on the game board, followed by the next player in turn order, etc. The player s with insufficient number of eligible Order tokens must place all his eligible Order tokens during his turn, but as an exception to the normal rules, is allowed to leave areas of his choice without an order.

A player may never, under any circumstance, place more Special Order tokens than allowed by his position on the King's Court Influence track. All orders assigned to the game board are now simultaneously revealed. Simply flip all orders faceup, revealing their order types. They will later be resolved during the Action Phase. If desired, the holder of the Messenger Raven may choose not use either of these abilities during this step.

After resolving this step, the Planning Phase is now over, and play proceeds to the Action Phase. During the Action Phase, players resolve all orders that were assigned to the game board during the Planning Phase.

The Action Phase is resolved by performing the following steps:. In turn order, each player resolves one of his Raid Orders on the game board. If a player has no such orders remaining, he simply skips any further action during this step. Keep cycling through the turn order, with each player resolving one of his Raid Orders, until no Raid Orders remain on the game board.

Play then proceeds to the "Resolve March Orders" step. The chosen order and the resolved Raid Order are both removed from the game board. By raiding enemy orders, players are effectively canceling opponent's orders, leaving the raided areas without Order tokens.

If a Raid Order is used to remove an opponent's Consolidate Power Order token, the raiding player is said to be pillaging his opponent.

After resolving the Raid Order, the pillaging player receives one Power token from the Power Pool and the opponent discards one of his available power tokens to the Power Pool, if able. The pillaging player always gains one token from the Power Pool, even if the opponent has none available to lose. A Raid Order placed on a land area can never raid an adjacent sea area. A Raid Order placed on a sea area, however, may raid either an adjacent land or sea area.

Raid Orders can remove adjacent Special Order tokens, as long as they match the legal type i. If there are no eligible adjacent enemy Orders tokens when resolved, the Raid Order is removed from the game board with no effect.

When resolving a Raid Order, the player may choose for the order to have no effect simply removing it from the game board , even if there are one or more eligible adjacent enemy orders. In turn order, each player resolves one of his March Orders on the game board. Keep cycling through the turn order, with each player resolving one March Order at a time, until no March Orders remain on the game board.

Play then proceeds to the "Resolve Consolidate Power Orders" step. It is during this step that players move units on the board, engage in combat against their opponents, and gain crucial territory needed to fulfill their ambitions. Footmen, Knights, and Siege Engine units may never move into sea areas or ports. Ship units may move into friendly connected port areas or into adjacent sea areas, but may never move into a land area. For each March Order, a player may move units into only one area containing units of another House.

In other words, while the marching player may split his units and move them into several adjacent areas, only one of those areas may contain units from another house. When a player moves one or more units into an area containing units from another house, he starts a combat as the attacker.

Before resolving combat, all other non-combat movement from the area assigned the March Order must be completed. The number printed on each March Order token signifies the Combat Strength modifier provided to the attacking player when a combat is initiated with that March Order. If a player vacates i. A player can "stagger" movement by placing several March Orders in adjacent areas. In this fashion, a unit is able to move more than one area in a turn. This is accomplished by marching units into an area containing another friendly March Order, and later when resolving that second March Order moving that area's units into a new area potentially containing the third friendly March Order, which would allow the units to move again when that last March Order is later resolved.

This can be a difficult trick to accomplish, however, since a successful enemy attack could remove one of the March Orders in this chain. In turn order, each player resolves one of his Consolidate Power Orders on the game board. Keep cycling through the turn order, with each player resolving one of his Consolidate Power Orders until none remain on the game board.


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