Windows xp run batch script on startup
If other WS work okay, can you login on some other machine to the network and see what happens? Have someone else login to the network on your machine. Probably your machine. The question is - is the problem your machine or your network login. I suspect, they have set up some scripts to run to apply something to your machine, it is failing for some reason and the next time you login, it wants to run again.
It will keep doing so until it succeeds which may be never if your system or user account is afflicted. The script may have already run on the other machines and they have their updates maybe it took a long time ONCE , but now they are caught up so logging in works fine for them.
If IT doesn't want to figure it out, reinstalling will probably fix it and that is the least amount of effort for them and you will go away. If you start screwing around with those timeouts, you can tell XP to just give up after a time, but that is probably not what you need to do. You "need" the scripts to run and finish whatever they are trying to do. Re-installing OS is costly in my situation. Well, it sounds unfortunate for you and there are many variables.
I think by "costly" you mean in units of time and inconveneince Put a little painful in there too. Learn more. Run a batch file 5 minutes after startup in Windows Xp Ask Question.
Asked 6 years, 5 months ago. Active 6 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 2k times. Improve this question. Mefhisto1 Mefhisto1 2, 7 7 gold badges 30 30 silver badges 64 64 bronze badges. Also in the GUI with [Trigger] there is a delay-option. Stephan, I think XP doesn't have it. Do you have timeout.
It's not generic in Windows XP. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Paging Zefram Cochrane: Humans have figured out how to make a warp bubble. Comment and share: Automatically run a batch file when you open a Windows XP command prompt.
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