Thumbs.db hidden windows 7

Fix it. Sunday, January 24, PM. I agree this problem and its various affects are all over the internet and at the end of every thread there are no Microsoft solutions. This has been a problem from the beginning and either they can't fix it or they are ignoring it. I have to remote desktop into my server everytime I am modifying or moving folders so I can kill the open file connection so that it will actually let me delete or rename the folders.

I hate to say it but I think XP was the last great OS Microsoft is going to put out, they keep adding features I don't use that break basic features that I do use renaming folders. Sorry to rant but I have struggled with this problem for 4 months and am sick of waiting for a fix. Sunday, February 7, AM. Hi, I experience the same issue with my Win7 install and it's extremely annoying.

I am quite surprised actually that "disabling thumbnails" is the first suggestion by the Microsoft moderator. So is it common practice when someone has trouble with a feature, to simply disable the feature? Disabling thumbnails, of course, causes all pictures to look like basic icons unless they are explicitly previewed.

This is certainly not a fix. It's like trying to suggest someone turn off the screen saver if they are having problems with the screen saver.

Why not just tell the users to turn off their computer? Problem solved right? LOL You should just admit it's a bug! It sure looks and smells like one. I have a huge music collection that I've been sorting for the last few months. I installed Win7 shortly after it was released and noticed this issue immediately, I can even delete the entire contents of the folder first but Win7 can't delete the empty folder because it says thumbs.

I eventually noticed if I wait a few minutes or so after viewing the folder I am then allowed to delete the folder, but the fact I have to do this is ridiculous.

I've been booting into Vista to sort my music so I don't have to go through this little dance every time. I certainly hope Microsoft will realize this is a HUGE annoyance regarding a very basic feature of their flagship OS and start addressing the issue. Most people don't know enough about their computer to have any idea why this is happening.

I had assumed a patch would come out relatively soon because the issue is ubiquitous, but no luck so far. Come on guys, get on it! Thanks and happy debugging : Kelly. Wednesday, March 3, PM. I might have found a better work around but would need someone to confirm. I found that Adobe reader was the culprit for this issue for me. It doesn't quite add up because in theory excel and word shouldn't have anything to do with Adobe, but it solved the issue for me.

Let us know whether this works or not for you. It still allows you to use the preview and gets the response time you'd expect. Thursday, March 4, PM. Good job Geigerdi!! I uninstalled Acrobat, restarted, and now have NO problems with deleting folders in any of my network locations. I made sure I tested this with about 10 folders, both full and recently emptied. I received no errors and in each case the folder deleted immediately. That's about the weirdest thing, why on earth would Adobe Acrobat have anything to do with explorer releasing the thumbs.

Microsoft dev's: Do you have any idea how this could be possible? I did not have Adobe running at startup, so purely it's existence as an installed application seems to cause this issue.

Friday, March 5, AM. I just found another very interesting tidbit of information. I thought I'd try to re-install Adobe reader to see if the issue could be reproduced. Using Firefox, I went to the adobe download site, installed Adobe reader and the issue did not return.

I restarted my computer, opened a pdf from the internet and the issue did not return. So, now I've got Adobe reader installed and the issue has completely disappeared I'm absolutely dumbfounded that this has solved my problem, and also quite ecstatic that I no longer have to boot Vista for any reason whatsoever.

That is great news. So the new fix is to remove Adobe reader and re-install it. How bizarre. Friday, March 5, PM. Saturday, March 27, AM. Are you asking this because you are also experiencing the problem? Sure, it's a small issue. But still, it's an issue with Win7 and Win7 only. Tuesday, March 30, AM. So how about it MS? Is this a known problem?

Is a fix in the works? Wednesday, March 31, PM. So, if you're not using "any" of Adobe's products, does that include Flash and Shockwave? I'm honestly surprised by your aversion for Adobe products. Although Adobe reader takes up a couple hundred megs on the drive not unusual for any modern software , it rarely uses more than 10MB of memory I have 3 large PDFs open at the moment and the app is using only 8MB of RAM.

It seems to work great on all my machines, I have no complaints. Saturday, April 3, PM. FWIW, I accidentally came across a slightly easier fix for this bug.

Instead of setting "Turn off the display of thumbnails and only display icons on network folders" to Enable, I simply changed the Windows Explorer display setting from "Details" to "Content".

Then I was able to delete my Thumbs. After deleting the offending file s , I just restore the display to "Details" again.

Monday, April 5, PM. Easiest fix for local folders I have no idea on network folders is simply to right click computer click properties go to advanced system settings and then advanced click settings under performance and click adjust for best performance. It takes two seconds and once your done playing with your folders just turn it back to "let windows choose" It's still annoying but it works. Monday, April 12, PM.

That's so true in general, yet is simply not the way Microsoft works. Alli MS Beta Butterfly. Tuesday, May 4, AM. Then open up command prompt and browse to the file and delete it from there. When you're done just re-open your task manager and run "explorer. That usually works for. Monday, May 31, PM. Tuesday, June 1, PM. I cannot reproduce this fix. I have tried a fresh Win7 install, never installed Acrobat Reader but went straight for Foxit my preferred anyway , but still have the lock problem.

Guess i just have to turn of the thumbs. Sunday, July 11, AM. Robinson Zhang. How exactly is this 'troubleshooting' the problem? By turning off the feature that should work in the first place?

Wednesday, August 4, PM. This did not work for me. Saturday, August 14, PM. My fix: 1. Right-click on the top folder 2. Select Properties 3. Click on the Customize tab 4. Select Optimize this folder for: Videos. Check the box next to "also apply this template to all subfolders. I hope this helps others. Tuesday, August 17, PM. Wednesday, September 8, PM. And what exactly does your recommendation have to do with this thread and a possible solution? Wednesday, December 8, PM.

That's a good tip Zelda That solution worked for me. I had problems with mkv files on my desktop Thursday, December 9, PM. All the workarounds on this page basically involve having Explorer stop paying attention to thumbnails temporarily.

They're not fixes, but workarounds, and until MS actually fixes this, the solution is to find the least annoying workaround. For me, robster is the best - works so far , and takes two clicks without having to leave the view or navigate any dialog boxes.

Sunday, December 12, PM. I think not. Monday, December 13, PM. Wednesday, December 15, AM. Removing all of my adobe installs did the trick for sure- i was having an issue deleting files on my work network. I am running Win7 at home too with a network drive and having the same issue. It has been driving me mad so I am glad I found a fix here. I was doing side work at home and backing up user data to the drive and couldn't delete all the files so I have all kinds of folders cluttered up!

Monday, December 20, PM. Hi there! I got the same problem several hours ago and I found the solution! Saturday, January 1, PM. That will work but it's not a solution it's a work around. Friday, January 14, PM. Here's another work around solution. All I had to do was click the button that hides the preview pane. Once explorer is no longer looking to preview your file, it doesn't have to start thinking that thumbs.

Easily turned off and on. Wednesday, January 19, PM. Wednesday, February 2, PM. Thursday, February 3, PM. Your solution is great Noel, and correct, save for the fact that it leaves out anyone who utilizes Windows 7 Home edition which is the version pre-loaded on a lot of machines Friday, February 4, AM. I posted the. No wonder apple is taking their position. Friday, February 4, PM. Nice job ferreting out that setting, JoeBoxer. Saturday, February 5, AM.

Glad to hear it's working. And thanks, Noel. Monday, February 7, PM. Friday, February 11, AM. Sunday, March 13, PM. Can we really not just put out a fix for this bug? Tuesday, March 29, PM. Disappointed that SP1 hasn't even fixed this annoying issue. Only consider doing this if you are at your wit's end!

Wednesday, April 13, AM. And then half an hour after that I came to a conclusion: 1. Opened Windows Explorer Task Manager 3.

Killed explorer. Switched back to TC and moved that damn file 5. Started explorer. Monday, April 18, PM. Tuesday, April 19, AM. The steps I normally take to work around this issue: 1. Copy the folder. Delete the contents of the original folder location, excluding thumbs. Delete the original folder. HTHs - Brad. Tuesday, April 19, PM.

No it's not. What are others suppose to do? Wednesday, April 20, AM. I'm speaking practically, from actual experience. Here's some research for you: Windows 7 stores its thumbnails in a centralized database.

From the wording of the Group Policy setting: " If you enable this policy setting, Windows Explorer does not create, read from, or write to thumbs. And here's a suggestion: If your IT department won't allow you to set that GPO entry, or edit your registry, write up a memo to your boss outlining how much time each day you could save from doing workarounds if IT would allow or make for you the simplest registry change.

Wednesday, April 20, PM. Thank you Patrick! Wednesday, April 27, AM. I couldnt delete the files. This worked for me! Sunday, May 1, AM. Monday, May 2, PM. Tuesday, May 3, AM. Thank you Noel for your quick response.

Yep it is sad. Jonathan Friedman. Thursday, May 5, AM. Funny thing Saturday, May 14, PM. I tried the "Show Icons only" resolution but it did not work. Then I saw the Adobe problem. I have Adobe Reader installed but not Acrobat.

I went into Services in Computer Manager, set it for manual and turned it off. Then I went back to delete the thumbs. Anyways, that's what worked for me. Wednesday, May 18, PM. It worked for me after all that is why I thought to share it with you all Tuesday, May 31, PM. Murtaza Sharif, Thank you, it seems that one of the simplest answers did the trick for me. Wednesday, June 1, PM. Having read this whole thread and tried some but not all of the solutions suggested, I found another solution but am leery of generalizing.

I leave it to the developers to rule on whether or how this is helpful. I had a folder with one Word file in it. I tried to delete the folder. Leave this field empty. Home About. Note that even if you delete the image file from the folder, its thumbnail will remain in the thumbs. If you have prevented Windows from creating a thumbnail image cache file in folders, Windows has to load the image files and generate thumbnails each time, which is resource consuming.

As a result, creating thumbnails of images will take much longer especially in case of folders containing a lot of images. Related Reading. January 10, December 30, Changed your Social passwords? January 3rd, November 18th, Windows Registry Editor Version 5. Teams Walkie-Talkie. PCI Express 6. Wordle Scams. T-Mobile iCloud Private Relay. Avira Antivirus Crypto Miner. Linux PinePhone Pro. Google Green Messages. Use Your iPhone as a Webcam. Hide Private Photos on iPhone. All Microsoft's PowerToys for Windows.

Take Screenshot by Tapping Back of iPhone. Windows 11 Default Browser. Browse All Windows Articles. Windows 10 Annual Updates. OneDrive Windows 7 and 8. Copy and Paste Between Android and Windows. Protect Windows 10 From Internet Explorer. Mozilla Fights Double Standard. Connect to a Hidden Wi-Fi Network.


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