Powerfolder server trial

Will log all web requests. Database user Setting not available via web. Passeword for database user Setting not available via web. Max Connection Pool Size Setting not available via web.

Log SQL queries to log file Setting not available via web. How many new pooled connection get created Setting not available via web. How long should the server wait until it tests the sql connectivity Setting not available via web.

Minimum size for the connection pool Setting not available via web. Enables synchronisation of cluster settings via Server Maintenance Folder Cluster. Setting server. Register language Setting not yet available via web. Can be set to a two letter language code to set language for new accounts e. Controls if other server processes will wait for the login script to finish. The first email from LDAP will be set as username. Controls: if usernames are allowed, which don't include an 'at' and a "dot".

Controls that the invitations should only be send to email addresses not usernames only. Contains the hostname, port and SSL settings of the directory server server. Examples: example. The distinguished name of the user to use when connecting to the directory server.

To what depth below the search. Search filter used to identify the user. Attribute that identifies the members of a group.

In an ActiveDirectory, a group contains the member attributes. Attribute that identifies the groups of a user. In an ActiveDirectory, a user contains the memberOf attributes. Filters that identify users. Comma-separated string containing the attributes to be added to a user as e-mails. Comma-separated string containing the attributes that identify a user name. The first appropriate attribute is used to set the user name. Comma-separated string of attributes that identify the first name.

Comma-separated string of the attributes representing the common name, e. Comma-separated string of the attributes containing the middle names. Comma-separated string of attributes containing the display name. Comma-separated string of attributes containing telephone numbers. Comma-separated string of the attributes that contain an expiration date for a user. Comma-separated string of the attributes that contain a validity date for a user. Comma-separated string of the attributes that contain the quota for a user.

Controls if Kerberos support for server and client is enabled or not. Example: radius. A valid URL, e. Controls if Shibboleth organizations should be mapped to PowerFolder organizations.

Session-Identifier ID attribute. Persistent-Identifier ID attribute. A valid Persistent-Identifier ID attribute. Defines the Persistent-Identifier ID attribute. Names of external organizations. Default is empty Comma separated list of names to be displayed in IdP dropdown list as "other external" users Example: server.

Automatically finds and merges accounts, which have same email addresses but on different services within the federation. The directory on your disk, which is used by PowerFolder Server to store new folders.

Add new folders in the default storage path automatically. Controls if a new folder in the default storage path should be automatically managed by the server. Sub-directory pattern relative to the folderbase directory of the server. Controls if the server should delete an existing folder if a client tries to create a new one with the same name. Controls if a transfered file is moved from the temporary transfer directory. Controls if folder changes will be recognized using filesystem APIs.

Enables users the option to recover 0 byte files and deleted files by PowerFolder server. Keeps one user account sticked to the same storage path, if multiple storage paths are configured.

Checks periodically if the folder path on server storage still is correctly for this user. Controls the default number of versions of new folders kept on the server. Controls how many days archived file is kept.

Specifies where clients can download the latest Windows version of the PowerFolder Client. Specifies where clients can download the latest Mac version of the PowerFolder Client. Specifies where clients can download the latest Linux. Specifies where clients can check for the latest version number to show an update dialogue to the user. When the client starts it check if it's on the latest version. The port on which PowerFolder Server listens for incoming data connections.

Apache JServ Protocol port. IP address to which PowerFolder Server should be restricted to. If the server side HTTP tunnel service should be available. Defines, if an Administrator is allowed to access all folders of a server installation. Controls if group admin role is enabled. Version: 10 SP3. Defines if it should be possible for users to invite other users to their folders.

Controls if users need to accept invitations first, before they are being added to the members list and have the folder listed under their folders. Controls if sharing on social networks is enabled.

Defines minimum right for folder deletion. Defines minimum right for restore. Defines default right for folders shared via profile. Defines highest possible permission for limited user. Activates the CSRF protection. Defines if users are allowed to merge existing accounts. The merging account will be added to the organization of the account to merge. Defines if exisiting users should be able to recover their password.

Defines if existing users are allowed to invite new users, which doesn't exist in the database yet. On invitation the server will automatically create a new user account for them. Enabling the Group Administrator Role lets standard users create groups. The creator of a group will be a Group Administrator and can invite users to the group.

Defines if users can register themselves an account. Defines if non-admin users are allowed to login to the webinterface. Controls if auto-complete using all known accounts on that server will be available when inviting someone via web. It's recommended to disable this setting when running a public cloud or when this might be forbidden due to privacy policies.

Controls if auto-complete using all known accounts on that server will be available for non-organization User when inviting someone via web. If true only User with an organization will be able to use auto-complete.

Allow administrative users to only log in with computers that have a certain IP address. Defines if token-based authentication is enabled and the validity period of tokens.

The maximum of users in organization created by a user. If changed to server. Set a default value of days a newly generated file link should be valid.

Set a maximum value of days that can be set for file links. Set a default value of downloads for a file link. Set a maximum value of downloads for a file link.

Specify if a password is optional file links don't need a password set , recommended file links don't need a password but the user is asked to set one anyway, the "More options" panel is opened automatically or required file links need a password, the "More options" panel is opened automatically. Allows external users to upload files in generated file links without registration.

Allows the server administrator to monitor the usage of the upload forms feature. Defines the hostname of the SMTP server. Defines the password of the username used to authenticate against the SMTP server. Defines the email address of the administrator for server notifications. Defines which email address should be used in the From header in emails sent to users. Defines which name should be used in the From header in emails sent to users.

Defines which name should be used in the Reply-to header in emails sent to users. Sets the browser title which will be displayed on on the PowerFolder Server web interface. When filled and saved, a new sub-directory with the given will be created in the skins folder, which will contain a copy of the default skin. Controls if it's possible to download the clients on the web interface. Controls if the web interface should offer a News tab to show recently changed folder content. Controls if the gallery view will be available when browsing folders.

Controls if users are allowed to enter their telephone number. Controls if it's possible for users to access their folders via WebDAV. Location display in user account devices tab Setting not yet available via web. Es handelt sich um Cookies die Ihre Entscheidungen z. This page uses cookies to provide the functions of this page. The cookies are used to remeber your choices language selection, that a form was closed,….

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