Peach mosaic virus

PLMVd is principally a disease of peaches. Symptoms vary depending on the virus strain and the peach cultivar, but most infections lack obvious symptoms. Symptoms such as flower streaking, wood grooving, and leaf mosaics tend to be sporadic.

In parts of Europe, a strain of the viroid causes peach calico, which has more severe symptoms such as fruit blotches and a leaf mosaic that causes white patches over large areas of the fruit and leaves.

While infection by PLMVd alone typically does not cause noticeable or undesirable symptoms, PLMVd-infected trees are more susceptible to both biotic and abiotic living and nonliving stresses. The combined effect of a co-occurring infection or stress can increase symptoms and lead to economic losses. Grafting, pruning, aphids, and pollination can transmit this viroid, but grafting is the most efficient means of transmission. Delayed bloom is a desirable trait in peach-growing regions prone to late spring frosts and grafting with PLMVd-infected source plant materials has been used both intentionally and unintentionally to impart this characteristic to trees.

Abstract Peach rosette mosaic disease was first described in the s affecting peach and plum. Publication types Research Support, Non-U.

Gov't Research Support, U. View article. Metrics Downloaded 1, times. Molecular characterization of a new trichovirus from peach in Mexico. Molecular analysis of three new Cherry mottle leaf virus isolates reveals intra-species genetic diversity and inter-species gene transfer.

Molecular characterization of a novel mycovirus of the family Tymoviridae isolated from the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. Complete nucleotide sequence of a strain of cherry mottle leaf virus associated with peach wart disease in peach.

Detection of Virus and Viroid Pathogens in Plants. Analysis of the complete genome of peach chlorotic mottle virus: identification of non-AUG start codons, in vitro coat protein expression, and elucidation of serological cross-reactions.

Molecular Techniques for Detection of Microbial Pathogens. Close Figure Viewer.


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