Java software solutions foundations of program design 6/e

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Description Java Software Solutions teaches a foundation of programming techniques to foster well-designed object-oriented software. Heralded for its integration of small and large realistic examples, this worldwide best-selling text emphasizes building solid problem-solving and design skills to write high-quality programs. Purchase instant access to MyProgrammingLab online.

Preface Preface is available for download in PDF format. Hallmark features of the Lewis series Introduces a software methodology early and revisits it throughout to ensure that students build sound program-development skills Includes numerous programming examples, both small and large, that include the program output, sample run, or screenshot display Provides a wealth of end-of-chapter programming projects, varying in difficulty level, so students can practice their design skills and implementation of Java programs Cornerstones of the text A measured approach to objects first teaches students to use objects before learning to write them.

Students see objects in Chapter three before control structures , and then build their own objects in Chapter five after control structures.

Sound programming practices teach students how to write good software, not just how to program. Through examples and discussions, students learn how to solve problems and implement solutions using foundational software-engineering techniques. Fully implemented examples demonstrate specific concepts.

Because students learn best through examples, small, readily understandable examples are intertwined with larger, more realistic ones. Graphics and GUIs are excellent examples of object orientation—and excellent motivators for students. An optional Graphics Track section covers graphics and GUIs at the end of each chapter, allowing for flexibility of coverage. Chapter features Each chapter begins with a list of Chapter Objectives and a short introduction to the chapter topics to orient students.

Key Concepts highlight fundamental ideas and important guidelines throughout the chapter and are summarized in the end-of-chapter material. All programming examples are presented in clearly labeled listings. The code is colored to visually distinguish comments and reserved words, and followed by the program output, a sample run, or a screenshot where appropriate. Syntactic elements of the Java language are discussed in special highlighted syntax diagram sections. Diagrams clearly identify the valid forms for a statement or construct.

Review materials The Key Concepts presented throughout the chapter are summarized at the end. Gradebook results can be exported to Excel to use with your LMS. About the Book An object-oriented approach teaches students to write good software in addition to programming skills A measured approach to objects teaches students how to use objects before teaching how to write them.

Sound programming practices show students how to write good software, not just how to program. Through examples and discussions, students learn how to solve problems and implement solutions using foundational software-engineering techniques. Full coverage of the JavaFX approach featuring graphical shapes and controls, including buttons, text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, choice boxes, color pickers, date pickers, dialog boxes, sliders, and spinners.

Java 8 method references and lambda expressions create an easy-to-understand approach to defining event handlers. An in-depth exploration of the JavaFX class hierarchy provides deeper context for why JavaFX is now the preferred approach for developing graphics and graphical user interfaces GUIs in Java. End-of-chapter exercises and programming projects have been updated to better reflect the JavaFX approach.

Fully implemented examples demonstrate crucial concepts. Because students learn best through examples, small, readily understandable examples are intertwined with larger, more realistic ones.

Fresh examples and discussions throughout the book improve pedagogy and keep students engaged with relevant references. An optional Graphics Track section covers graphics and GUIs at the end of each chapter, allowing for flexibility of coverage. Enhance learning with in-text features Key Concept boxes highlight fundamental ideas and important guidelines at the end of each chapter.

Listings clearly present programming examples , using the program output, a sample run, or screenshot display. Syntax Diagrams discuss syntactic elements of the Java language in special highlighted sections, with diagrams that clearly identify the valid forms for a statement or construct.

Diagrams for the entire Java language can be found in Appendix L. Graphics Track discussions , found at the end of each chapter, cover all processing that involves graphics and GUIs. This material relates to the main topic of its corresponding chapter, and can be skipped without loss of continuity--or focused on as desired.

Summaries of Key Concepts are included at the end of each chapter to outline important ideas discussed in the text. Self-Review Questions and Answers allow students to assess their own grasp of the material, through short-answer questions about fundamental ideas and terms.

Intermediate problems and exercises require computations, code fragment analysis or writing, and a thorough grasp of chapter content--further testing student knowledge and ability throughout the text. Programming Projects vary in level of difficulty, requiring the design and implementation of Java programs.

VideoNotes presented by the author, explain topics visually through informal videos in an easy-to-follow format--giving students the extra help they need to understand important concepts. Special icons indicate which in-chapter topics and end-of-chapter Programming Projects are available as VideoNotes.

Between-chapter Software Failure vignettes discuss real-world flaws and failures in software design, encouraging students to adopt sound design practices. New to This Edition. The Exercise Editor is easy to use and gives you the option to select different programming languages and exercise types. VideoNotes provide step-by-step video tutorials specifically designed to enhance the programming concepts presented in Introduction to Java Programming.

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1. Data and Expressions 2. Using Classes and Objects 3. Writing Classes 4. Conditionals and Loops 5. Paperback , 4th Edition , pages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

To ask other readers questions about Java Software Solutions , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Java Software Solutions.

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Add this book to your favorite list ». Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Oct 27, Mike Polsky rated it it was amazing. We read through it as part of a work book club with mostly graduates in the book club. Again, it's a great book. The best part of the book club were the discussions that followed on from each chapter!

This was my college textbook on Java. Good book but a bit shallow for my tastes. One of the highlights of this book is how it used a pattern based approach on structured programming such as patterns on how to write control flow statements.

Good book, but you may need more books to supplement this book. Aug 03, Hao Ca Vien rated it it was amazing. Lewis and Dr. Loftus has a very easy to understand introduction to Data Structures in Computer Science. Java Software Solutions is an exercise rich compendium of Data Structures and all neophyte programmers are encouraged to read this book and understand Data Structure fundamentals!

It's the kind of book that is doing fine on a shelf and that you said you'd check out one day when you need it.


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